Friday, October 12, 2007

Why 'Magnet'ics

I had to come up with dis blog was only because i wanted to answer my friend's question that Why my blog titled 'magnet'ics ?

The answer simply lies in his question itself. what is that made him ask? why was he magnetised with the title?

Magent is one such word that has ruled my life for its tremoundous power to attract .. beacause the fact is every induvidual wants to attract what ever it likes .. be it an opposite sex, or money, or a job, recognition, fame.... and if it fails to attract thn it gets attracted to it .. thtz what most do start running behind >> run 4 money, run 4 freedom, run 4 RUN (athletes) lol .... etc etc ..

I had another option that is gravity, now but gravity was more of a dominating word unlike magnet which is something minute but with great power,just like the simplest smile in comparision with big laugh. which is more magical ?? smile?? :0)

After reading this i guess u would search for magnets that you use to play with >> now isn't that called ATTRACTION???????

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Way of life

It seems Language was created for Mens deep need to complain.
and it holds to true to many of us.
How do one compalin for the bad road that they travelling and engage their mind on such not so useful things and forgeting that journey of life that he/she is not a mum-pune express highway.

One such story about Idaho potato farmers who used to follow a method of sorting potatoes according to size-big, medium, small only to get maximum dollar. But one farmer never bothered to sort the potatoes at all. Yet he seemed to be making the most money. Puzzled farmers finally asked him, "what is your secret?" He said, "Its simple. I just load up the truck with potatoes and take the roughest road to town while you all take the shortest. Now during the 8mile trip, the little potatoes always fall to the bottom, the medium potatoes land in the middle, while the big potatoes "RISE" on the top.

Thats not only true of potatoes. it is a law of life. People are like potatoes- When the roads are rough, the tough rise to the occasion. They win. They survive. They come out of the top!
Now you decide to be little pottatoes or medium or the tough ones, accepting the fact that journey of life being always rough.