In every persons life, there are moments when things dont go according to plan and something truly disappointing happens. Perhaps you dont get the LOVE that you assumed was yours, and that other person never bothers to, or u recieve a surprisingly critical review when you thought you were a stellar performer.
When faced with these disappointments, its tempting to feel hurt, angry, bettrayed and disgusted. you may get depressed, feel deflated and put your head in the sand. Or, you may react by mouthing off, erupting at others........ damn dont think me to be a sage or something ..> its juz that i sail in a same boat and felt like sharing with you about what i try and do when i am facing 'just' this.
I .. > I think about the sponges!! amazing stuff that i derive motivation from,only for its strength to absorb the water but when u squeze it, it becomes as dry as it was.. just like that i think myself to be a sponge that wont stop from absorbing it but once i squeze it everything is offf .. .funny? but..!
preety tufff but then u anyway got to squeze it .. n i do it by faking it until i make it-- acting as if i am okey and heading towards greater things. Dress as if i care about myself, talk as if i belive in future, and put myself in the company who see me in the same light. but then fake it .. just lik the sun ... it has to come out every single day... if it feels lik or otherwise but just fake it...